
Most feature rich hair & beauty software & client retention solution

Grey hair too early??? Spotting the first strand of grey hair can be an absolute nightmare for some of us but you will be surprised to know that greying in your 20's is as common as of frizz or dandruff! All the negative talk around premature greying has led to

Anti-aging is a bigger problem than you think it is especially now a days due to unhealthy habits. However, you can put an end to worrying about your age. The secret key to a wrinkle free baby face and the secret ingredients on how to achieve the youthful glow will

We have all heard about serums and the amazing things they can do for our skin! Serums are a lightweight mixture of concentrated ingredients that should be applied to your skin once a day to help fix skin issues. Some serums are water-based and should be applied before your moisturizer,

We bring you the ultimate list of common skin care mistakes you are probably making, so nothing stops you and your skin from looking at it very best. The biggest mistakes you might be making right now, at this very moment that is either causing more acne or damaging your

Taking care of our skin is definitely not an easy task. Dry skin is frustrating because not only is it difficult to cover up with makeup but sometimes it is physically painful. Everyone suffers from it ever so often and everyone can relate to dry skin issues which is a